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Vol. 4 No. 5 (2017): Revista Indisciplinar

TERRITORY DISPUTE IN LATIN AMERICA: The IIRSA project and indigenous, quilombo and peasant communities resistance

April 26, 2021


The Latin America territorial reorganization, guided by existent natural resources, is one of the IIRSA (Regional
Latin American Infrastructure Integration Iniciative) main characteristics, presented in a Brazilian Government meeting with international financial institutions in 2000. This iniciative aims the exploration of oil, ores, water and farming reserves that are located in territories preserved until now in response to international market demands. Threats to indigenous populations, quilombo communities and peasants from different countries and life continuity, IIRSA brings to evidence the permanency of the colonizing process and the ontological conflict that exists among the world’s perspectives that differ from the capitalist logic. Reflections from different authors, that from the capitalism criticism recognize the indigenous people contemporaneity, are united in this article that proposes a debate about different world narratives, considering the conflict between the IIRSA proposals and indigenous, quilombo and peasant communities in Latin America. The relationship with the nature, the land as a base of autonomy and the permanent colonization resistances are the main subjects discussed in this article that also consider the importance of a critical review of disciplines when dealing with social problems that have always existed.


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