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Vol. 3 No. 4 (2017): Revista Indisciplinar

The graffiti and the neighborhood

April 26, 2021
2017-10-01 — Updated on 2017-10-01


The text below is starts from a graffiti found in the neighborhood “La Colmena” on the slopes of Pichincha (Quito-Ecuador). Considering it, we reflect on the notion of the public space of a neighborhood stigmatized as dangerous and marginal, while attending the social dynamics centered on the youth as an agent of threat and rupture of the neighborhood condition. Through this graffiti, it is evident the task that some institutions have carried out to end the threat that young people represent, inculcating certain values that end up limiting the expression of their antagonistic condition in the neighborhood; without considering that this antagonism of the young people, on the other hand, it is also necessary to keep active the notion of “the neighborhood” (GRAVANO, 2015) and even more when it is a traditional neighborhood, where the community bond that exists there has been constructed in time, showing in its social dynamics the constant dialogue between past and present.


  1. DELGADO, Manuel. Lo urbano y el maligno. Madrid, 2013.
  2. BAUMAN, Zigmut. Comunidad, En busca de seguridad en un mundo hostil. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI editores, 2003.
  3. DUHAU, Emilio. Las reglas del desorden. Ciudad de Mexico: Siglo XXI editores, 2008.
  4. GRAVANO, Ariel. Antropología de lo urbano. Buenos Aires: Editorial Café de las ciudades., 2015
  5. DE CERTEAU, Michel. La invención de lo cotidiano. Ciudad de México: Cultura libre. 2000.
  6. SENNETT, Richard. El declive del hombre público. Barcelona: Edit. Anagrama., 2011.
  7. TUAN, Yi – Fu. Topofilia. Madrid: Edit. Melusina, 2007.


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