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Vol. 4 No. 5 (2017): Revista Indisciplinar

About places, practices, corporeities, domination and partnership: the gentrifying experience and its crossings in the contemporary city

April 27, 2021


It is a practice that develops an exercise of speech and listening by installing a set of dialogues catalyzing the directing of a sensitive view of the city revealing possibilities of the coexistence of differences in the various layers of urban space. In this direction, the text articulates, three lines of research (1. Phenomenology of the Inhabited Space, 2. Poetics of the Body-Space Object, and 3. Difference, Aesthetics, Education and City) around three large blocks (1. Opacities Roughness, folds: as fairs as tactical spaces, 2. Indigenous presences in the public space, and 3. Cartography of the place: an aesthetic-political debate of sharing the sensible) presenting situations of dissent in the appropriation of the spaces of the Cities, gentrifying experience and its constant presence the dismantling of aesthetic-political practices in urban spaces. There are thus three lines and three speechs that cross each other and complement each other by configuring the cartography of possibilities of building the city from contemporary urban processes derived from aesthetic and political practices of resistance and dissent. A writing, then, is developing as a dialogue mediated by a theoretical framework as resistance to a dominant discourse of urban and architectural space planning. It is thought in this direction that one can be conveyed by subjective experience and from cities design that
express the sleeping partnership of being together.


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