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Vol. 4 No. 5 (2017): Revista Indisciplinar

The order of discourse of the image of contemporary contemporary: the real subsumed by capital

April 27, 2021


In the process of expanded reproduction of capitalism, investments in the creation of images have been highlighted among companies and governments as a discursive agent of neoliberalism and of the movement of economic financialization. In the essential function of accelerating the turnover of capital, via consumption, in an economic scenario of great competition among large financialized companies, they fulfill ideological functions of legitimizing the hegemonic social discourse, proliferating values and ways of life that transfer to the market the regulation of collective demands. Its transparency is justified in its power to mask conflicts and conceal domination, while the neoliberal doxa limits the space for contestatory social debate and seeks to neutralize critical thinking. In this scenario, marketing, a central agent in the contemporary image-making process, has increasingly turned to elaborate strategies to manipulate desires and tastes. We intend to create a reflection based on the dissemination of neoliberal values invested in images, between, the logic of privatization of cities regarding the housing market in Brazil, that is, the pathology of large condominiums, the physical barriers that the images praise, and the logic of social exclusion, with the account of Mr. Francisco, known as Kiko, who has been living in a broken-down Kombi for four years, in the Brooklin neighborhood, in the city of São Paulo. The way Kiko appropriates the city's public space represents the social contradictions that the images manufactured by marketing intend to hide.


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