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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Outros mundos: novas subjetividades, novos métodos

Plataforma Brumadinho-UFMG: conceptual development, principles, structure, functionalities and method of documental analysis

December 24, 2021
2021-12-24 — Updated on 2021-12-24


The Plataforma Brumadinho is a tool for accessing information on the damage and compensation lawsuits following the rupture of a tailings dam in the Córrego do Feijão mine, in Brumadinho (Minas Gerais, Brazil), conducted by the 2nd Treasury and Independent Governmental Agencies County Court in Belo Horizonte. It contains legal and academic documents, produced within the scope of the Brumadinho-UFMG Project, featuring varied search and data visualization mechanisms and simplified information for all audiences with internet access. This article describes the conceptual development and implementation of the platform, including the guiding principles, the data flow, the functional structure and the document analysis method applied in building the content. The main contributions of the Plataforma Brumadinho in the damage and compensation lawsuits are the promotion of access to information and the innovative integration of information, supported by the constitution of a collection of documents and a spatial data infrastructure.


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