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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Outros mundos: novas subjetividades, novos métodos

An online participatory mapping app as a technical advisory tool in architecture and urbanism

December 24, 2021


In the digital age, the role of online platforms in strengthening popular participation must not be ignored. An investigation on how to insert popular contribution in an online participatory mapping app is proposed based on the experience of the Neighborhood Plan, an active methodology of participatory urbanism applied by the research and extension group Periférico, trabalhos emergentes from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Brasília. The Periférico group performs Action research approaches in marginalized territories by the urban planning, aiming for a socio-technical adequacy of the developed projects (DAGNINO, 2020). Initially, a literature review on experiences of social participation in a Georeferenced Information System (PPGIS) is carried out, focusing on their potential for empowerment and interaction between participants. Then, an app model with spatial patterns that translate the complexity and transdisciplinarity associated with the urban space, which would enhance the dialogue with the community and a mapping of the dimensions of sustainability (social, cultural and affective, environmental and economic) is discussed. Finally, a proposal is made for an online participatory mapping app to support part of the process of social concerned land regularization (Reurb-S), which provides for the work of professionals in the urban, environmental, social and judicial areas. To this end, Esri tools (ArcGIS) were tested according to their participatory and interactive potential for a participatory online mapping in socio-technical adequacy.


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