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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Outros mundos: novas subjetividades, novos métodos

Report of a derive: Use and appropriation of the everyday public space in Callao, Lima – Peru

January 29, 2022


This paper aims to report the reflections on the experiment of a dérive, carried out through Google Earth, in the region of El Callao in Peru, with the objective of reflecting and partially characterizing the socio-spatial relations verified in the apprehension of everyday public spaces. It was recognized in the mediation of this process a type of exercise capable of enhancing the approximation with territories that are foreign to us. The systematic practice of residents was identified with the use and installation of portable plastic pools on the streets and sidewalks in the region. Based on the survey of local and national news and reflections on the production of everyday public space, this practice was understood in the light of the processes of resistance against hegemonics and the concrete exercise of the right to the city. The perceptions about the vitality of the socio-spatial relations verified in the use and appropriation of the daily public space were opposed to the media narratives. Finally, it points out the need for a dialogical process aimed at collective action in general, including a socially critical perspective on the daily socio-spatial practices of urban space production and reproduction. It is up to technicians and governments to enable the autonomy of those who constitute themselves as objects of knowledge and historical subjects, reintegrating the sense of the public sphere into everyday space and establishing margins for effective maneuvers and dialogues for the material and socio-cultural realization of cities


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