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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Outros mundos: novas subjetividades, novos métodos

World Idealization and Readings of Religious Spaces: : interviews undertaken in popular territories in Belo Horizonte

January 29, 2022


The article presents results from interviews conducted between 2018-2020 about the spaces of religiosity in the popular territories of Belo Horizonte. Located at the interface between the field of religious studies and urban studies, especially the faculty of idealization of the world and the reading of the place, the ongoing research maps and analyses mechanisms of assembling Pentecostal worldviews out of interactions between different strands and localities of pentecostal movement and between Pentecostalism and other beliefs. To this end, it is necessary to advance in the construction of a theoretical-methodological framework that allows a pluralist view of the perceptions of the faithful and their historical, political, cultural and urban context. As a preliminary result, we present hypotheses developed from the interviews and a brief ongoing research agenda on the topic.


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