Queen Vashti

a Feminist in Antiquity





Queen Vashti, Queen Esther, Feminists


The story of Queen Esther, told in the text Book of Esther, managed to be queen after Queen Vashti, until then the wife of King Ahasuerus, refused to dance and expose herself to all men in all cities of the Persian empire, facing the status quo masculine and sexist in relation to the woman's body as an object of exposure and exhibition. The methodology used is a review of literature and Jewish websites on the theme of queens Vashi and Esther. It deals with a narrative of a Jewish woman exiled in Persia and who lived during the period of reign of Ahasuerus, also known as Ahasuero (Xerxes) between 486 and 465 BC (beforethe common era), and it is understood that the Jewish Esther added habits not Jews in all aspects of her Jewish life as a queen married to a non-Jewish king of the Persian Empire.


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Author Biography

Arlete Freire de Lima, Logos University International - UNILOGOS

Jewish, anthropologist, philosopher, writer, scientist, researcher and specialist in Jewish anthropology and Jewish literature and marketing.

- Graduated in Anthropology and Religion from Logos University International – LUI – UNILOGOS in Miami, Florida in the USA; higher education course in Marketing at Instituto de Ensino Superior de Minas Gerais -IESMIG, certifications and post-graduation in Marketing at PUC Minas.

- Holds Jewish studies with certificate and graduation with Rabbi Rabbi Marc Rubenstein ordained rabbi, SEMICHA, by the Academy for Jewish Religion AJR of New York in the USA. Permanent affiliate of the “ORH HATORAH SYNAGOGUE” Synagogue, Los Angeles, California, USA, under the leadership of Rabbi Mordecai Finley ordained rabbi, SEMICHA, by the Hebrew Union College – Institute for Jewish Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - (USA).

Anthropologist and scientist with several scientific publications in online journals, graduated in Anthropology and Religion from Logos University International LUI UNILOGOS, in Miami, Florida in the USA.

Clinical Psychoanalyst graduated from the School of Clinical Psychoanalysis Koinonia and is a member and affiliated to the Brazilian Association of Psychoanalysis ABP under registration: 10.222

E-mail: arletefreiredelima@gmail.com and psicanalistaoninepsicanalista@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Freire de Lima, A., & Freire de Lima, A. (2023). Queen Vashti: a Feminist in Antiquity. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(33), 2–21. https://doi.org/10.35699/1982-3053.2023.46513