Before Louise Brown
social representations of the in vitro embryo in the press
test tube baby, social representations, in vitro embryoAbstract
When a new scientific fact appears in public discussions and political controversies, people are socially called upon to interpret a constantly changing reality. This paper analyzed the social representations that circulated in Folha de São Paulo about the in vitro embryo until 1978, when the first “test tube baby” was born. We found 67 reports published between January 1961 and December 1978 that were analyzed with the help of Alceste software. The results show five classes of words organized in two axes of meanings: Development and scope of manipulation of germinal materials and Impacts of in vitro fertilization on the family. In the emerging context of new reproductive technologies, the in vitro embryo raised axiological questions related to filiation, kinship and the human in the Brazilian public sphere.
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