About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology is an electronic journal from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, linked to the UFMG Department of Journals and to the Post-Graduation Program in Human Sciences of the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri - UFVJM. Memorandum mainly publishes texts in the areas of Memory and History in Psychology. Contributions in the fields of Phenomenology, Culture and Religion are also accepted, as long as they interface with Psychology.

Memorandum only publishes original articles, namely, research reports and reviews - written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French. At least one of the authors of the manuscript needs to have a doctoral degree. Today, Memorandum is indexed in the LILACS Databases - Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (http://lilacs.bvsalud.org); CLASE - Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (http://clase.unam.mx); in the Directories: DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals (http://www.doaj.org), Diadorim - Directory of Editorial Policies of Brazilian Scientific Journals (https://diadorim.ibict.br); ROAD - Academic Resources of Free Access (http://road.issn.org); Latindex - Regional Information System on Line for Latin American Scientific Journals, Caribe, Spain and Portugal - Catálogo 2.0 (http://www.latindex.org); on CAPES Journal Portal (http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br) and Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com.br).

Publication download statistics are available on each article’s preview page.          


Peer Review Process

The editorial review procedure will start if the text complies with all the rules described in the guidelines for authors and is characterized as unpublished when submitted to the Plagius plagiarism control system to verify its authenticity. Based on the software reports, the Editorial Team shall check the information and verify each case, following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). When necessary, you will be asked to comply with the rules and then perform a new submission.

The works considered compliant will be sent to 2 (two) ad hoc consultants of recognized competence in the area, chosen by the Editorial Team. The peer review process uses the double blind system, preserving the identity of the authors and consultants.

Ad hoc consultants, after analyzing the text, may reject, recommend with suggestions for changes or approve the  publication. The consultants' opinions are then forwarded to the authors.

In the case of articles recommended for publication with suggestions for modifications, the authors must submit a reformulated version of the text within the deadline determined by the Editorial Team.

The final decision on the publication of a text submitted to the journal Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology rests with the Editors, assisted by Consultants’ and Counselors’ feedbacks.

The Editorial Team reserves the right to make minor style or grammatical changes without consulting the authors.



The electronic journal Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology is published in a continuous flow with one edition per year. Exceptionally and under the sole discretion of the Editorial Team, special editions may be published.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide knowledge democratization. There are no fees for submitting and processing articles.



This journal  uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal  files for preservation and restoration. Learn more


Journal History

Launched in October 2001, Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology has since been published uninterruptedly, with a wide range of article themes. Initially, the discussions on history and memory in psychology contained in articles published by the Journal, had Philosophy as the main field of interlocution. This dialogue, over time, was gradually extended to other areas, showing the consolidation of its interdisciplinary essence.

Throughout this period, Memorandum gained eminence on the national scene for presenting a homogeneous flow of articles that are linked to the phenomenological approach, which cover relations between Phenomenology and Psychology under empirical, theoretical, philosophical, epistemological, social, cultural, anthropological and clinical perspectives. In addition, Memorandum has become  an important vehicle for national and international research communication in the area of ​​the history of psychology and psychological knowledges and interrelation between psychology historians and historians.

Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology also stands out for having wide national and international coverage regarding the institutional origin of the Editorial Board - researchers linked to 24 institutions, from 9 different countries -, as well as the Advisory Board - researchers linked to 19 institutions, from 4 different countries - both composed of researchers of recognized competence in the areas of Psychology, History, Education, Philosophy, Letters and Arts. This scope is also seen in the institutional link between the authors of the published articles, with at least one international article in each edition, with an average of 2.5 international articles per edition. In addition, all editions have a regional distribution of national articles.

In 2018, we updated our collaborators, increasing the position always adopted by Memorandum of having, on its Editorial Board and Advisory Board, the representation of researchers linked to institutions in different regions of the country and from different countries. We also reviewed the guidelines for authors so as to comply with the publication criteria imposed by the new system and, at the same time, remain faithful to the thematic tradition of the journal. We accomplished this process of changes starting from volume 36 on, taking on the form of continuous publication, making our editorial process more agile.