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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, file extension * .doc.
  • URLs for references were provided when possible.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the page Submissions.
  • The instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review have been followed.
  • A referral letter was sent to the Editors containing:
    a) authorization for the editorial process of your text;
    b) Make sure that all ethical procedures related to scientific work have been met;
    c) full address of one of the Authors for correspondence with the Editors (include zip code, telephone and e-mail).
    The letter can be sent in two ways:
    (a) Printed and signed by hand by all the Authors of the text and digitized for sending by the system.
    (b) Digitized and digitally signed by all Authors of the text and digitized for sending by the system.
  • The text is in Verdana 11, regular, 1.25 cm spacing, first line with 1.25 cm indentation, justified. Italics are used in words or expressions to be emphasized and also in the case of words foreign to the language used (as well as other indications in the APA style manual, 7th edition). There is no use of underlined words or watermarks.

Author Guidelines

The original works submitted to the Editorial Team must strictly meet the criteria below, as well as be characterized as unpublished when submitted to the Plagius plagiarism control system to have its  authenticity checked. From the reports yielded from the software, the Editorial Team checks the information and inspects each case, following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Contributions in disagreement will be refused.


  1. All texts sent as a collaboration to Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology must be sent electronically through the submission system.                                                                 
  2. The original text must have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 25 pages, in Verdana font. The page must be of A4 size, with all margins of 2.5 cm. It must be sent in electronic files in Word format - file extension .doc.
  3. Manuscripts must be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French. All texts that are not published in English will have an abstract and keywords in the English language.
  4. In the case of research reports written in co-authorship, at least one of the authors must have a PhD. In the case of reviews, only manuscripts referring to works published in the current or previous year will be accepted and at least one author must have a Master's degree.


  1. Text presentation norms:

5.1. Title

The title should inform the reader about the purpose of the article. It must be written in the language used in the article and in English.


Title in Portuguese: Verdana 14, bold, single-spaced, centered, add a blank line after.

Title in English: Verdana 11, bold, single-spaced, centered, add two blank lines after.


5.2. Authors’ names and respective institutional affiliations (name of university) and country.


First author's name: Verdana 11, bold, single-spaced, centered.

Institutional affiliation of the first author: Verdana 11, regular, simple spacing, centralized.

Country: Verdana 11, regular, single-spaced, centralized.

Second author's name: Verdana 11, bold, single-spaced, centered.

Country: Verdana 11, regular, single-spaced, centralized.

In case of coincidence of institutional affiliation and / or country, register only once, after the names of both authors.

Insert two blank lines in relation to the abstract.


5.3. Abstracts

In the language used in the article, containing between 100 and 150 words. The abstract should briefly display the objectives, method, results and discussion of the study. Bibliographic references should not be included.


Start with the term Abstract in the original language used in the article, in Verdana 10, bold, single-spaced, justified, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right. In the next line, insert the text of the abstract in Verdana 10, regular, simple spacing, justified, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right.


5.4. Keywords

In the language of the article (a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, in lowercase and separated with a semicolon). Consult the Psychology Terminology of the Virtual Health Library for indication of descriptors. Available on the VHL Psicologia ULAPSI Brasil website.


Start with the term Keywords in the original language used in the article, in Verdana 10, bold, single-spaced, justified, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right. In the same line, insert the descriptors in Verdana 10, regular, simple spacing, centered, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right. Add a blank line after.


5.5. Abstract translated into English


Start with the term Abstract in Verdana 10, bold, simple spacing, justified, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right. In the next line, insert the text of the abstract in Verdana 10, regular, simple spacing, justified, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right.


5.6. Keywords translated into English


Start with the term Keywords in Verdana 10, bold, simple spacing, justified, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right. In the same line, insert the descriptors in Verdana 10, regular, simple spacing, centered, indentations of 1 cm on the left and 1 cm on the right. Add a blank line after.


5.7. Body Text:


Subheadings must appear in Verdana 11, bold, 1.25 cm spacing, without indentation, justified. Add a blank line before and after each subheading.

In the case of sections within a subheading, these should be numbered starting from 1 for each subheading, whenever possible. The text must be formatted in Verdana 11, bold, 1.25 cm spacing, without indentation, justified. Add a blank line before and after each section.

Body text: Verdana 11, regular, 1.25 cm spacing, first line with 1 cm indent, justified. Use italics in words or expressions to be emphasized and also in the case of words foreign to the language used. Use bold only in the title, subtitles and names of the authors. Do not use underlined words. Do not use a watermark.

Translations of the author of the article: translations of excerpts of texts in a foreign language carried out by the author of the manuscript should be inserted as a paraphrase and not as a direct quote.

Notes in the text must be in minimum number. When notes are required, use the “Insert end-of-page notes” feature of Word. The formatting of the notes at the end of the page should be Verdana 9, regular, simple spacing, justified. Do not insert notes in the title or in the name of the authors, but only in the body of the text. Acknowledgments and credits to funding institutions should appear as notes.

Literal quotation with less than 40 words must remain integrated with the text, in quotation marks. Right after the quote, before punctuation, insert the information: author, date and page separated by commas and in parentheses. In case the author is mentioned before the quote, the date must be inserted immediately after the name and the indication of the page must be inserted after the quote. When part of the quote in the original source is enclosed in double quotation marks, replace it with single quotation marks.

Literal quotation with more than 40 words should be detached from the text in a new paragraph with a 4 cm indentation on the left, in Verdana 10, regular, simple spacing, justified. Right after the quote, before punctuation, insert the information: author, date and page separated by commas and in parentheses. In case the author is mentioned before the quote, the date must be inserted immediately after the name and the indication of the page must be inserted after the quote. Add a blank line before and after the quote and do not enclose the entire quote in quotation marks.

Quotation of an interview excerpt with less than 40 words must remain integrated to the text, in quotation marks, in italics. Quotes of an interview excerpt with more than 40 words should be detached from the text with a 4 cm indentation on the left, in Verdana 10, italics, single-spaced, justified. Add a blank line before and after the quote.

Figures, photos and tables must be included in the body of the text in the format * .jpg and in the position “in line with the text” of Word.

The caption of figures and photos must start with the indication: Figure 1 or Image 2, etc., and inserted below the image, in Verdana 10, italics, single-spaced, centered. Add a blank line before and after the caption.

The caption of tables and boxes must start with the indication: Table 1 or Table 2, etc., and inserted above the image, in Verdana 10, italics, single-spaced, centralized. Add a blank line before and after the caption.

You can include audio files, sent separately, attached, in * .mp3 format. They must be presented already edited. The files will be included exactly as they are sent to us. Cite authorship, date and place of recording. We are not responsible for the improper use of the recordings by third parties.


5.8. References

They must be included in the author-data model, according to the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA (7th edition). Present the references in alphabetical order, by the last name of the authors. References to several studies by the same author are presented in chronological order, from oldest to most recent. When authors and dates coincide, use the first letter of the title as a criterion to list the references in alphabetical order. When repeating authors' names, do not replace them with dashes or dashes. Do not use the "underlined" or "bold" commands in this section. Emphasis must be in italics.


Verdana 11, regular, simple spacing, justified, with a displacement of 1.25cm. Add a blank line after each reference.


5.9. Attachments

Indicate the attachments in the body of the text and present them at the end, after the References, identified by capital letters (A, B, C, and so on) and by appropriate titles. Use attachments only when essential: give preference to information that facilitates access to materials and instruments, through notes and / or links.


  1. Quotation Rules:

Strictly observe the quotation rules. All studies referred to must be followed by credits to authors and publication dates. The names of authors whose works are quoted must be followed by the date of publication, the first time they are quoted in each paragraph. The literal quotation of a text must be indicated by placing the excerpt in quotation marks and must include the reference to the page number of the publication from which it was copied. Quotes of more than 40 words must be presented as a new paragraph, indented 4 cm from the left margin, without quotation marks.

Avoid secondary quotes, when the original can be easily retrieved. If they arenecessary, inform in the body of the text the name of the author who makes the original quotation and the date of publication of the study, and, in a note, the original bibliographic reference. Only the work actually consulted should be listed in the bibliographic references.

Do not use the terms apud, op. cit., id. ibidem etc. They are not part of the APA Rules. Preferably use forms such as: “cited by”, “work mentioned above”, “idem” etc.

All studies cited in the text must be presented in the References section. Only the works consulted and mentioned in the text should appear in that section.

Cases that are not described on this page must follow Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA (7th edition)

Following are indications and examples for citations in the body of the text:


6.1. Multiple Authored Texts

Two authors: cite the two names in the text whenever the article is mentioned, accompanied by the date of the study in parentheses.

Three to five authors: cite in the text all authors in the first reference, followed by the date of the study in parentheses. The authors' surnames must be separated by the letter “e” if cited in the text. When mentioned in parentheses, they must be separated by "&". When repeating the same reference, use the first author's surname followed by "and others" and the date.

Six or more authors: cite only the surname of the first author, followed by "and others" and the date. However, in the References section, all authors' names must be listed.


6.2. Citation of Old and Reissued Works

Author (original publication date / consulted publication date).


 6.3. Secondary Citation

Citation of an article discussed in another consulted publication, without the original being used. In this case, present the surname of the referred author and then, in parentheses, date, "cited by", surname of the consulted author and date of the consulted work. In the references section, cite only the work consulted. Present in a note, when possible, a bibliographic reference of the secondary work.


 6.4. Citations by the same author and same year

Right after the year, add lower case letters, without space. The first reference, according to the alphabetical order of the title, will be followed by "a", the second by "b" and so on.


6.5. Highlights and omissions in the quotation

If the quotation contains words or expressions emphasized by the author of the quotation, the italic format must be used and, after indicating the page, add: “author's emphasis”.

If the author of the article wishes to emphasize a word or expression of the quote, he/she must use the italic format and, after indicating the page, add: “emphasis added”

In case of omission of part of the quotation, use an ellipsis in parentheses. Do not use an ellipsis at the beginning or at the end of the quote.


  1. Formatting References examples:

The examples below are just a few of the many possibilities for references. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA (7th edition) to verify the standards required for other types of reference and other cases not described.


7.1. Scientific Journal Article

Bloch, M. (1999). As transformações das técnicas como problema de psicologia coletiva. Signum, 1, 169-181.


7.2. Scientific Journal article ordered by issue

Cite as in the previous case, adding the issue number, in parentheses, without italics, immediately after the volume number:

Dunaway, D. K. (1991). The oral biography. Biography, 14 (3), 256-266.


7.3. Scientific journal article in electronic format

Coelho, M. A. N. & Hoffmann, A. (2002). A cultura na FMRP-USP. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto), 35, 367-370. Retrieved on June 22, 2001, from fmrp.pdf


7.4. Scientific Journal Article in Press

Instead of the date, state: in press. Do not mention date, volume, issue or pages until the article is published. In the text, quote the article indicating, in parentheses: in press.


7.5. Text published in Commercial Magazines

If the author is mentioned, start the citation by the surname and initial of the name, followed by the year, day and month in parentheses, name of the article, name of the magazine  in italics, volume and pages:

Toledo, R. P. (2001, May 23). O santo de Assis – Jacques Le Goff. Veja, 20, 160.

When the text does not state the author, start with the title, followed by the year, day and month, name of the magazine in italics, volume and pages. As in the following example:

As armas do barão assinalado (1998, May). Bravo!, 8, 58-63.


7.6. Single Authored Book

Bosi, E. (2003). O tempo vivo da memória: ensaios de psicologia social. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial.


7.7. Book Translated into Portuguese

Foucault, M. (1992). As palavras e as coisas (S. T. Muchail, Trad.). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original published in 1966).


7.8. Old and Reprinted Work at a Later Date

In the body of the text, when indicating the date, insert the date of original publication / date of the consulted publication.

Descartes, R. (1989). Les passions de l'âme. In F. Alquié (Org.). OEuvres philosophiques de Descartes: Volume III (pp. 939-1103). Paris: Bordas. (Original published in 1649).


7.9. Posthumous original publication

In the body of the text, when indicating the date, insert the date of the originals / date of the consulted publication.

Stein, E. (1997). Senso e possibilità di una filosofia cristiana. In E. Stein. La ricerca della verità: dalla fenomenologia alla filosofia cristiana  (2nd ed., Pp. 132-152). (L. Vigone, Trad .; A. Ales Bello, Org. And Rev. Trad.). Rome: Città Nuova. (1934-36 original, posthumous publication in 1952).


7.10. Institutional Authoring

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association(5th ed.). Washington: Author.


7.11. Book Organized by an Editor

Neisser, U. (Org.). (1982). Memory observed: remembering in natural contexts. San Francisco: Freeman.


7.12. Book chapter

Jacó-Vilela, A. M. & Rodrigues, H. B. C. (2004). Além e aquém da separação: a psicologia no Brasil. In A. G. Penna, A. F. Holanda & M. Massimi (Orgs). História da Psicologia no Brasil do século XX (pp. 217-230). São Paulo: E.P.U.


7.13. Chapter translated from a Multiple Volume Series

Bausola, A. (1999). O pragmatismo(A. P. Capovilla, Trad.). In S. Vanni Rovighi (Org.). História da Filosofia Contemporânea: do século XIX à Neoescolástica (Vol. 8, pp. 459-471). São Paulo: Loyola. (Original published in 1980).

7.14. Theses or Dissertations

Xavier, C. R. (2001). Encontros e permutas entre dois pensadores: um estudo sobre as correspondências entre Wolfang Pauli e Carl Gustav Jung. Master's Dissertation, Postgraduate Studies Program in History of Science, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP.


7.15. Text Published in Encyclopedia

Stroll, A. (1990). Epistemology. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol.18, pp. 466-488). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.


7.16. Work presented at an event and published in Annals (complete)

Campos, R. H. F. and Lourenço, E. (1998). Psicologia da criança e direitos humanos no pensamento do Instituto Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Genebra – 1912-1940. In Anais Encontro de Pesquisa da FAE, V, (pp. 154-166). Belo Horizonte: Faculty of Education, UFMG.


7.17. Work presented at an event and published in Annals in electronic format (abstract)

Domingues, S. & Campos, R. H. F. (2007). Bases teóricas e epistemológicas do conceito de excepcional na obra de Helena Antipoff [Abstract]. In Congresso Nacional de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, VIII. São João del Rei, MG: ABRAPEE. Retrieved on May 30, 2011, from


7.18. Work presented in Congress, but unpublished

Massimi, M. (2000, October). Identidade, tempo e profecia na visão de Padre Antônio Vieira. Work presented at the XXX Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Psychology, Brasília, DF.


7.19. Legal document

Decree no. 3,298. (1999, December 20). It regulates the national policy for the integration of the disabled person, consolidates the protection rules and takes other measures. Brasília, DF: Presidency of the Republic.


7.20. Limited circulation publication

Observation Sheet by D. N. (1908). In Livro de observações clínicas 111 do Pavilhão de Observações (pp. 64-67). (Available in the collection of the Library of the Institute of Psychiatry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ).


7.21. Special materials: films, music recordings, TV shows, etc.

Bergman, I. (Director). (2006). A flauta mágica [DVD]. São Paulo: Versatil Home Video.


Valença, A. (2003). Anunciação. In Ao vivo em todos os sentidos [CD]. Rio de Janeiro: Indie Records.


In case of re-recording of music by an artist other than the author, state on the first date the year of copyright and, at the end of the reference, state the year of re-recording:

Jobim, T. & Oliveira, A. (1963). Inútil paisagem [Engraved by Caetano Veloso]. In Roberto Carlos e Caetano Veloso e a música de Tom Jobim [CD]. Rio de Janeiro: Indie Records. (2008).


Schroder, C. H. (Director). (2009, April 11). Morro Vermelho preserva tradições em Minas [television program episode]. In Vasconcelos, S. (Chief Editor) & Perdigão, J. (Producer). Terra de Minas. Belo Horizonte: TV Globo Minas.


7.22. Personal Communication

Letter, electronic message, telephone or personal conversation can be cited, but only in the text, showing the initials and the surname of the issuer and the complete date. Do not include in the references.


7.23. Web Site or Homepage

In order to disclose  a full Web Site or Homepage, include the address in the text. It is not necessary to list it in the References. Example:

Formação e ensino de História da Psicologia em países ibero-americanos




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