The originary dimensions of the “living” in capoeira
the primordial nature of musicality on the “born-at–the-moment body movements”
capoeira, phenomenology, body, musicalityAbstract
This piece aims to identify and comprehend the experiential meanings which are essential to the configuration of the experiences lived through the musicality in capoeira. In order to accomplish that, the chosen procedure was to follow Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) footsteps in the framing of a Phenomenological Archeology of cultures. The “mestres de capoeira” (masters) reports, obtained through suspensive listening and transcribed, were analyzed with successive and deliberate intersections. Many “mestres” report the crossing of this musical experience which, from a pre-reflexive record, leads their bodies to action during the game. The results describe a crucial musical affection that unveil, intersubjectively, a corporeal-psychical openness to the meanings of the occurrences at the “roda”. Such openness shows itself on the pre-reflexive sharings of feelings specific to capoeira, in which the “capoeiristas” (capoeira practioners) show themselves culturally and in an existentially authentical way. This analysis is deepened through a dialogue with Literature, highlighting the intersubjective functionality of the psychical dimension of the bodies in action through connections with Husserl’s work on the original substract of the experiences of the “Other”.
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