Wilhelm Reich in an autobiographical perspective

approaches and ruptures with classical psychoanalysis





Freud, Reich, theoretical convergences and divergences, death drive , theory of sexual economics


This bibliographic study consists of three sections. In the first one, two autobiographical narratives by the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich stand out: “Passion of youth” and “The function of orgasm”. In the second, the converging topics between Reich and Freud are analyzed, which are the constructs of the first psychoanalytic phase (1894-1920), and in the third, the divergent topics between these authors are discussed, which are the constructs of the second psychoanalytic phase (1920-1939). Therefore, the objective is to highlight Reich's approximations and ruptures with classical psychoanalysis. The results indicate that Reich's child and adolescent sexual experiences influenced his study interests as a young medical student, leading him to approach and, at the same time, to move away from psychoanalysis. It is noteworthy that, from the comparative analysis of the two Reichian works, it can be concluded that, in the first, he outlines the basic constructs that are detailed in the second. In this, he explains the theoretical differences between him and Freud. Mainly, the persistent Reichian critique of the Freudian construct of the death drive that led him to elaborate the orgasm theory that definitively distanced him from psychoanalysis. It is shown that between 1920-1934, when he was linked to the IPA and with Freud's consent, Reich developed the Theories of Sexual Economy, Orgasm and Character Analysis as a critical reinterpretation of the death drive that he did not accept.


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Author Biography

Lucielena Mendonça de Lima , Universidade Federal de Goiás

Lucielena Mendonça de Lima é professora titular da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Goiás (Campus Goiânia), É pós-doutora em Linguística Aplicada (UnB), doutora em Linguística (Universidad de Oviedo/Espanha), mestra em Psicologia (UFG), especialista em psicologia transpessoal centrada no corpo, psicanalista e terapeuta corporal reichiana.


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How to Cite

Lima , L. M. de. (2023). Wilhelm Reich in an autobiographical perspective: approaches and ruptures with classical psychoanalysis. Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology, 40. https://doi.org/10.35699/1676-1669.2023.34112


