Analysis about psychic contagion and mass phenomenons according to Edith Stein




phenomenology, psychic contagion, mass, totalitarism, Edith Stein


This paper aims to analyze mass phenomena in their psychological aspects through the contributions of E. Stein, considering the impact and potential destructive consequences of such phenomena pointed out by H. Arendt when studying totalitarian governments. After contextualizing the debate on the subject, which took place in the last decades of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, this work intends to reconstruct the steps of the phenomenological analysis conducted by Stein in the essay on psychic contagion that is part of the work Contributions to a philosophical foundation of Psychology and Sciences of the Spirit, published in 1922. In this analysis, the author describes in detail the dynamism through which the phenomenon of psychic contagion begins and spreads in personal and group experiences. The study conducted proves the originality, relevance and usefulness of this contribution of the German philosopher, regarding the contemporary psychology and psychiatry.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Daud Bollela, Universidade de São Paulo

Gabriela Daud Bollela é estudante de Psicologia na Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, da Universidade de São Paulo.

Marina Massimi, Universidade de São Paulo

Marina Massimi é Professora Titular aposentada da Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente, Professora-sênior junto ao Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo e lidera Grupo de Pesquisa Tempo, Memória e Pertencimento.


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How to Cite

Bollela, G. D., & Massimi, M. (2023). Analysis about psychic contagion and mass phenomenons according to Edith Stein. Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology, 40.


