Social representations and valorial orientations

the immigrants case


  • Emiliana Mangone University of Salerno
  • Giuseppina Marsico University of Salerno


social representations, enemy, values, images, immigrants


The principal idea of this paper can be divided in two macro axes: the first is that the behavior toward the other or others, above all, depends on the representation that people build as to him/them, on the interpretations of actions (pasts, presents, and futures), and on the landmark of socio-cultural context. When responsibilities are attributed to an individual or to a group for critical and /or of sufferance conditions, the situation produced is that it is attributed a false fault to a subject or to a group that could be recognized as “enemy”. The second is that images transmitted by the media do not produce only symbolism that contributes to the self construction of the identity, but provide identification models too on which it is possible to find interactions and social actions. In the specific case of the research we present modifications in the perceptions of young people who took part in the research, in regard to immigrants, they allow to look at a different direction that could assume a positive valence (making more familiar what was distant). But it is right to underline that in other situations images produce contrary effects and rather liberate from a stereotyped conditioning than push the subject to reinforce such position.


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Author Biographies

Emiliana Mangone, University of Salerno

graduated in Sociology in 1993 and in Sciences of educational in 1997 at University of Salerno. In 2006 she became Research Fellow in Sociology of cultural processes and communication at the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Salerno. Since 2002 she teached several disciplines of Sociology at University of Salerno.She has extended her analysis to cultural and institutional systems and particularly to the cultural, health and social systems. She has focused on the development dynamics of social representation, aiming to define the circumstances which were at the basis of the human actions.

Giuseppina Marsico, University of Salerno

researcher in Development and Education Psychology at the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Salerno (Italy), and teaches Observation Techniques of Child Behavior. Her main research topic is “Parental educational styles, school success/failure and psycho-social wellbeing in youth”. She is PhD in Methodology of Educational Research, and graduated in Education Sciences at the University of Salerno. She has been coordinator of the Bureau of Criminal Mediation at the Juvenile Courthouse of Salerno.


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How to Cite

Mangone, E., & Marsico, G. (2011). Social representations and valorial orientations: the immigrants case. Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology, 20, 211–224. Retrieved from


