Autobiographical memories and letters from Claire Lange

a phenomenological analysis




letters, memories, foreigner, phenomenology, narrative


The main objective of this research is the study of immigration experiences written by Claire Lange in her memories and letters. We analyze her living experiences, taking into account the psychological function of the epistolary correspondence as immigrants’ bound with their pasts. We focused on the author’s psychological dynamics and living experiences based on the text “The Foreigner” by Alfred Schütz, and also on Edmund Husserl's phenomenology appropriated by Edith Stein, through the eyes of these and other authors, such as Ales Bello and Cardoso.  On Claire’s stories, perceptive, affective, temporality and faith-spiritual living experiences were found, according to the categories of the analysis on “The Foreigner” by Schütz.  Concerning these categories, we evidenced three groups of experiences: the first living experiences as a newcomer; the crisis; the coping strategies. Our conclusion comes down to the possibility of overcoming crisis through sharing living experiences with the otherness present in the social relations which are represented by the receivers of such letters and also by the transcending dimension of the divine.


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Author Biographies

Marcela Elias Santos Gonçalves, Universidade de São Paulo

mestranda do programa de pós graduação da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto da USP - Universidade de São Paulo.
Departamento de Psicologia

Área de Concentração: Processos culturais e Subjetivação

Orientadora: Professora Titular Marina Massimi

Marina Massimi, Universidade de São Paulo

professora titular aposentada  do Departamento de Psicologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo – Campus de Ribeirão Preto. Atualmente é Professora Senior do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo e lidera Grupo de Pesquisa "Tempo, Memória e Pertencimento" junto ao IEA.



How to Cite

Gonçalves, M. E. S., & Massimi, M. (2019). Autobiographical memories and letters from Claire Lange: a phenomenological analysis. Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology, 36, 1–25.


