How to Read Stories
(Lucian, True Stories)
Lucian, narrative, fiction, HomerAbstract
Lucian, in True Stories, differentiates between honest lies and dishonest lies, distinguishes serious readings from leisure readings, and uses Homer as both an author and a character to reflect on tradition, narrative, and literary studies. In How to Write History, he differentiates between fair narratives and flattery. Considering this, we can observe that Lucian conceives a theory of narrative that places central importance on the writing project, which consists of two main components: the exercise of composition (whether false or fair, or, if you prefer, fiction or non-fiction) and its presentation to the audience (honest or dishonest). Among the modes of reading, he seems to suggest a naive reading, which does not recognize dishonest lies and takes poetry as truth, in contrast to a critical reading that understands these writing projects and can even result in literary experiments drawing from them.
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