Literary Autobiographies in the Poetry of Exile: the Reception of Ovid in Camões


  • Júlia Batista Castilho de Avellar Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais


Exile, Ovid, Camões, Classical Reception, Autobiography


The Tristia (‘Sadnesses’) of Ovid are considered the founding work of the genre poetry of exile in the Western tradition. In this collection of elegies, Ovid makes his last metamorphosis, and assumes the persona of an exiled first-person speaker: he mourns his sufferings in Tomis, city on the edge of the Roman Empire, on the margins of next to the Black Sea. This paper aims to study the poet’s self-representation as exiled, the development of this image in the literary tradition, and the meaning of such representation to the ulterior poetry of exile. We will analyze Camões’ reception of Ovid in his Elegy III, and identify both the similarities and the innovations the Portuguese poet implemented to the poetry of exile’s genre. Camões adopts an Ovidian persona to express the sorrows of absence, and thus makes a new reading of the Tristia. The present approach focuses on Camões’ responses to the “myth” of Ovid’s life and exile, and investigates the creation of an image of exiled poet.


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Author Biography

Júlia Batista Castilho de Avellar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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How to Cite

Avellar, J. B. C. de. (2018). Literary Autobiographies in the Poetry of Exile: the Reception of Ovid in Camões. Nuntius Antiquus, 14(1), 87–109. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Recepção Clássica