The Laughter Coupled with Distancing

Interconnections with the Short Story “Jacinto” by Alphonsus de Guimaraens, the Candide: or Optimism by Voltaire and Nuances of an Alphonsus Humorist in Archives


  • Danielle Fardin Fernandes



Alphonsus Guimaraens, museum, Voltaire, laughter, Jacinto (recordações de Vila Rica, Candide: or optimism


Abstract: This article deals with the laughter coupled with distancing, interconnections with the short story “Jacinto (recordações de Vila Rica)” by Alphonsus de Guimaraens and the book Candide: or optimism by Voltaire, also seeks to draw a humorous profile of the poet Alphonsus based on the archives of the Casa Alphonsus Guimaraens Museum. The two authors lived at different time but ended up approaching their writings. One was a philosopher, playwright and historian and the other was a symbolist poet and both surrendered to the comic and created works that are situated in the humorous field. There is an existence that needs to be delineated in this sense in the case of Alphonsus, the author highlighted in this work, since there is a great amount of creations related to laughter in the manuscripts and other documents of the Casa Alphonsus de Guimaraens Museum, and most of people knew him as a taciturn poet, the “solitary of Mariana”. In general, this study seeks to investigate how Voltaire in Candide: or optimism and Alphonsus in “Jacinto (recordações de Vila Rica)” use an irony to provoke laughter, something that with a deeper evaluation translates a disappointment with social and existential reality generating a kind of detachment. Finally based on research in historical documents it seeks to find a memory of this other facet of Alphonsus. The book O riso e o risível: na história do pensamento, of Verena Alberti and the chapter “Rabelais and the history of laughter” in, Rabelais and his world of Mikhail Bakhtin, complete the investigation.

Keywords: Alphonsus Guimaraens; museum; Voltaire; laughter; Jacinto (recordações de Vila Rica; Cândido, ou o otimismo.

Author Biography

  • Danielle Fardin Fernandes
    Possui graduação em Letras (Licenciatura em Língua Inglesa, Portuguesa e Bacharelado em Estudos Literários) pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (2004). Foi professora efetiva nas escolas estaduais Imaculada Conceição na cidade de Porto Firme, e Coronel Benjamin Guimarães em Mariana, Minas Gerais. Atualmente ministra aula no curso técnico de Segurança do Trabalho com as disciplinas: Inglês Instrumental e Português Instrumental. Concluiu o mestrado em Estudos Literários em maio de 2012 na Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Já foi professora da FALE idiomas e trabalhou em institutos de pesquisa como EMDATA e DATAfolha (do jornal Estado de Minas). Faz ainda traduções e tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Literatura, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Alphonsus Guimarães, humor, ironia, Verena Alberti, José Marcelino, gestão documental, poesia, Aníbal Machado, Todorov, fantástico, Gilberto Mendonça Teles, álibis e sibila.


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Dossiê: As vozes do arquivo literário: problemas, linguagens, aproximações