Clarice Lispector Collection, Moreira Salles Institute
the far east among the writer’s readings
collection, Clarice Lispector, far east, I ChingAbstract
Abstract: Based on a research study carried out into the Clarice Lispector Collection of Moreira Salles Institute in Rio de Janeiro, this article presents some titles from the far east that were part of the bookshelf of the writer, with critical emphasis on the I Ching, the Book of Changes. Based on this fact, and through readings of the Chinese book and the author’s writings, the article proposes as result significant connections among the claricean hermeticism and the I Ching, in ways that conclusively point to the reinforcement of the aesthetic dimension of The Book of Changes, approaching the writer, also along this eastern route, of important authors of world literature, such as Ezra Pound, Jorge Luis Borges and Octavio Paz.
Keywords: collection; Clarice Lispector; far east; I Ching.
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