Vidas secas and the Social Interpretation Essay
A Comparison with Os sertões
Vidas secas, Os sertões, social interpretation essay, sincere narrator, free indirect speechAbstract
Abstract: The article compares Graciliano Ramos’ novel Vidas secas and Euclides da Cunha’s essay on social interpretation Os sertões. By comparing the compositional strategies and the narratives present in both books, such as “the sincere narrator” in Os sertões and the use of free indirect speech in Vidas secas, the article shows approximations and differences between the two Brazilian classic works. The intellectual perspectives that guide the novel and the essay are also compared, analysing Euclides da Cunha’s scientificism and in the sociologically critical perspective adopted by Graciliano Ramos. The article also highlights the differences in the social perspective of the authors, analysing the representation of the institutional violence performed by the State in both works. The present analysis took as theoretical background the works by Willi Bolle, Luis Bueno, Antonio Candido, Miriam Gárate and Luiz Costa Lima.
Keywords: Vidas secas; Os sertões; social interpretation essay; sincere narrator; free indirect speech.
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