Painter Monteiro’s “pitu”
Cachaça and Affectivity in João Cabral de Melo Neto
cachaça in Brazilian literature, affectivity, culture in Pernambuco, João Cabral de Melo NetoAbstract
Abstract: Cachaça (a Brazilian sugarcane brandy) is present throughout João Cabral de Melo Neto’s poetic work, from one of his first books, O Engenheiro, to one of the last ones, Sevilha Andando. The motif of the cachaça enables us to highlight elements that reveal a specific cleavage in João Cabral’s poetry, providing new readings of important works, particularly the drama Morte e Vida Severina. In João Cabral’s work, cachaça mobilizes a specific connotative field, which emphasizes a bias of his poetic personality that is opposed to his dominant mark, as a rationalist, non-lyric, impersonal poet. On the contrary, cachaça seems to be generally associated with a relaxation of the intellectual control of the poetic writing and a greater permissiveness for the biographical and affective elements to be introduced into the verses. In this context, it is interesting to revisit Benedito Nunes’ essay on João Cabral’s work (1974), in which the distillation element plays an important role. Finally, we will see that the presence of affection is related to a friend of a great importance in João Cabral’s trajectory.
Keywords: cachaça in Brazilian literature; affectivity; culture in Pernambuco; João Cabral de Melo Neto.
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