Água viva, de Clarice Lispector

quando a palavra pinta os vegetais


  • Fabrício Lemos da Costa Universidade Federal do Pará




This article aims to analyze the fictional presence of painting in Água viva (1976), by Clarice Lispector (1920-1977). For this, we intend to specifically verify the theme of vegetables in the narrative. Thus, they are plants, roots, vines, trunks, flowers and trees that refer to the living, pulsating, organic and biological thing of a writing that is also born involved with the pictorial work. In this sense, our intention is to develop a reflection that corroborates the comparison/inter-relationship between arts in Clarice’s text, starting from the vegetation in all its diversity. For comparative purposes, we will dialogue, at times, with Clarice’s painting, entitled “Eu te pergunto por quê?” (1976), where the possibility of a flower on the screen prefigures questions. We are, therefore, in the field of Comparative Literature. For this study, we used the reflections of Nascimento (2012; 2017; 2019), Sousa (2013), Giorgi (2016), Wohlleben (2017), Nunes (1995) and Coccia (2018; 2018).


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