The interaction between Arnaldo Antunes’ poetry and Rosa Moreau Antunes children’s art in the book As Coisas


  • Tania Yumi Tokairin Universidade de São Paulo



Arnaldo Antunes, Rosa Moreau Antunes, contemporary Brazilian poetry, children’s art, inter-artistic studies


This article analyses the inter-art dialogue between poetry and children’s art in the book As Coisas (1992), created by the poet from São Paulo city Arnaldo Antunes and his daughter Rosa Moreau Antunes, when she was still a child. Through the analysis of some poems and drawings that are part of this work, the objective is to highlight that the interaction between the language of the word and the image constitutes the creative force of the work, forming a unique literary and artistic object. In it, reading the poems and observing the illustrations becomes a pleasant, fun and educational activity from a reflective point of view, by talking about every day matters with a philosophical sensitivity, apparently in a spontaneous and accessible way to people of all ages. It will therefore deal with the issue of the poetry aimed at children and young people, and how this joint creation by Antunes and Rosa can cover a wide age of readers. The theoretical-critical foundation used in this study is found in specialists in poetry and children’s art, such as Maria da Glória Bordini, José Paulo Paes, Edith Derdyk, Viktor Lowenfeld, among others, as well as in academic studies about the referred book by Arnaldo and Rosa Antunes, especially the master’s dissertations by Fabiana Carmen Carneiro (UFSC, 2011) and Jorge Normando dos Santos Filgueira (UFRN, 2010).


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