The fall of phallocentrism from the perspective of the poem “o homem pelado parece triste”, by Bruno Molinero


  • Cleidson Frisso Braz Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Phallocentrism, Poem, Laughter, Decentralization


This article discusses the decentralization of modern society in the figure of man, historically privileged in the sphere of power and also in the Freudian psychoanalytic theory on phallocentrism (1923). It is also questioned that the current social and gender compositions created ruptures in Freud’s theory (1923) making new perspectives to be considered beyond the one that centralizes, in man, the organizing figure of psychosocial relationships. Thus, we seek to find some answers about Freud’s theory of phallocentrism (1923), based on the author’s own readings and also in confrontation with the contributions of authors that problematize this theme, such as Simone de Beauvoir (1949) and Bourdieu. (1998). For this, the critical analysis of literature is used as a research method, based on the poem “the naked man seems sad”, by the author Bruno Molinero and other analyzes of his book Férias na Disney (2021), as well as the the role of humor, laughter, fetish (FREUD, 1927) and carnivalization (BAKHTIN, 1999) in the construction of a poetic critical of male domination. Finally, it is concluded that literature is an important cultural vector for discussion and demystification of society based on phallocentrism.


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