Quando as máquinas param

Plínio Marcos’ theater in Portuguese telecinema


  • Helciclever Barros da Silva Sales Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Wagner Corsino Enedino Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul




Quando as máquinas param, Plínio Marcos, Portuguese cinema


The purpose of this essay is to discuss and analyze the portuguese film When the machines stop (1984-1985) by filmmakers Pedro Belo and Luís Filipe Costa based on the homonymous play by Plínio Marcos (1963-1967). This filmic work was produced for the TV channel RTP 1 and shown in 1985. The cast included Júlio César (Zé), Adelaide Ferreira (Nina), Luísa Salgueiro (D. Marlana), Pedro Efe (Milongas), José Wallenstein (Angarlador), Canto e Castro (Tonico’s father), Amadeu Coronho (Manel), Script and dialogue by Pedro Belo and Luís Filipe Costa. Apparently, it is the only cinematographic transposition of this play by Plínio Marcos, as well as the first and only foreign film based on Plinian theatre, a hypothesis that will be the subject of further reflection. It is important to note that RTP 1 was the only TV channel at the time of Portuguese redemocratization. This is particularly curious since this channel was reconfigured to the nascent democratic scenario after the long Portuguese dictatorship (the channel started broadcasting in 1956-1957, still under the dictatorial yoke), so that producing a film based on a Plinian play, precisely in the year 1985, the year of the beginning of the Brazilian political opening, is still something worthy of mention and analysis. The choice of Portuguese directors about the play Quando as Máquinas Param and its central theme, unemployment, for transposition into film, in association with the moment lived both by Portugal and Brazil, at that historical moment.


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Dossiê: O Teatro e o Brasil