
narrator and author in Bufo & Spallanzani



narrator; author; Rubem Fonseca.


This work proposes a reading of the narrator and author roles in Bufo & Spallanzani (1986), by Rubem Fonseca. In order to do so, I will analyze the different functions of Gustavo Flávio. One of the protagonists and narrator of the novel, he constantly interrupts the narration to comment on topics such as literature, writing, the cultural market, among others, which brings him closer to the notion of author, according to Tacca (1983). Furthermore, Flávio introduces himself as a writer of novels who is specifically composing a narrative with the same title as that of Rubem Fonseca. In contrast to this author-character, there is also the expression of another author image that surreptitiously involves the whole novel. Such image “haunts” the narrative and has its contours better defined when Flávio, as narrator/author, is ironic. This idiosyncrasy of the Fonsecan narrative is highlighted when I discuss an aspect postulated by an important critic about the narrative process of the Brazilian author. I refer to the idea of ​​Antonio Candido (1981), also developed by Mazzaferro (1984), that the most instigating works by Fonseca would be those in which the narrator/author discourse enables the narration of characters who belong to social strata less privileged, in a kind of “stylistic abdication” way. On the other hand, for Candido, narrators such as Flávio would relate to less interesting works for belonging to Fonseca’s social class.


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