The burden of living with obesity
Obesity, Culture, Bariatric SurgeryAbstract
Perceptions of the human body have changed over time. Cultural aspects shape behaviours, social rules and lifestyles; nowadays it is an object of consumption: the ideal body should be slim and healthy. At the same time, epidemiological indices of obesity are alarmingly high. Obese people, in an effort to fit into an ideal model, resort to bariatric surgery. The present study aims to understand, from the experiences of two women and a caregiver, the meanings of living with obesity. It is a qualitative study that uses hermeneutic concepts. Dialogue with the participants centred in the Focal Life Story grasped from their narratives. It allowed the researchers to identify two themes: the social burden of obesity - it relates not to physical body weight, but to its impact in people's social life; and rebirth - the social burden of obesity is an important aspect: according to the participants it is worth going through the difficulties of a post-operative to return to a normal weight range; being once again included - in social groups to which body image is a "passport to happiness" - feels like a rebirth to them. In conclusion, understanding the logic/dynamics of these people's health needs can contribute to build practices from the perspective of people who are obese. Socio-anthropological knowledge is essential for caring for their needs and is an important aspect in the reorganization of health practices addressed to that population group.Downloads
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