The prevalence and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in babies younger than six months in the city of Rolândia - PR
Breast Feeding, Nutrition Surveys, Cross-Sectional Studies, Lactancia Materna, Encuestas Nutricionales, Estudios TransversalesAbstract
To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (EB) in babies younger than six months, in the municipality of Rolândia-PR. A cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted during the national vaccination campaign in September, 2009. A questionnaire of the Breastfeeding and Municipality project (AMAMUNIC), developed by the São Paulo Health Institute, was administered to the mothers or caregivers. The population consisted of all children younger than one year of age, residents in the municipality who were vaccinated in the second stage of the campaign. The data were entered into an online application and the information was exported to an Excel spread sheet. For the association between the variables, the chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used and the EB prevalence was determined, considering the confidence interval of 95%. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of Londrina State University, protocol number 111/09 of 07/18/2008 and the São Paulo Health Institute, protocol number 001/08, of 05/06/2008. Exclusive breastfeeding was verified in 36.8% of the children younger than six months. The factors associated with this practice were: the avoidance of using pacifiers (p=0.003); the avoidance of introducing a bottle (p<0.001); and, under four months of age, in addition to the previous factors, the mother's education level above the medium level (p=0.030). The prevalence of EB was shown to be superior when compared to results obtained in the city, with a better support structure and incentive for breastfeeding.Downloads
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