What future generations need to know about amnesty


  • Clarissa Paiva Guimarães e Silva Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas




Human Rights, Amnesty Fundamental Rights,, Society, Future Generations


Based on the study of the Amnesty Law, and the Principles of Human Rights. The twentieth century was a scenario marked by big wars and civil conflicts. Combating these oppressions was through a broad democratic ideal that can still be seen to be constructed in the western world, with repercussions involving future generations. In the midst of these buildings and repercussions, the delivery force of the Amnesty Law came to fill the gaps of the judiciary in relation to the problems that erupted over the years in Brazil from 1964. Future generations need to be aware of events not to allow prisoners to be social ideas torturer that time and thus form a critical sense of better prospects for the setbacks do not happen again in Brazilian society. The amnesty is not only broad, general and unrestricted said in the campaign organized by intellectuals, journalists, artists, progressive politicians, religious of various creeds, trade unionists and students in 1978 to fight the military dictatorship. Today amnesty is one of the voices for human rights, so that every person is free to live their lives with dignity and in no way should suffer oppression or inequality. So the Amnesty struggle is for everyone and by everyone, including future generations.


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Author Biography

Clarissa Paiva Guimarães e Silva, Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas

Graduanda do Curso de Direito do Sul de Minas_FDSM/Pouso Alegre. Bolsista de Iniciação Científica FAPEMIG


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. P. G. e. What future generations need to know about amnesty. Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 2, p. 130–149, 2016. DOI: 10.35699/2525-8036.2016.5011. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revice/article/view/e5011. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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