From mud to (super)action
a case study on the National School of Popular Energy in the Zona da Mata mineira
popular education, socio-environmental conflicts, knowledge and powerAbstract
This article aims to understand the political motivations of the educators responsible for building a popular university in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais. These agents, coming from peasant social movements, started this venture in 2015 – marked by the tragic rupture of the Fundão dam in the Mariana district (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Considering the relevance of this data for research, produced from participant observation with the school community, it is proposed to analyze the potential that the epistemological criticism carried out by popular educators presents regarding the relationship between knowledge and power. As well as their contributions to social action and the political formation of those affected by dams in the region, immersed in contexts of socio-environmental conflict.
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