[Call for (In)submissions] Dossier #9 – Towards a Critique of (De)colonial Reason


Accepting submissions in the format of scientific articles, essays, reviews, interviews, literary texts, images, or other formats reflecting on the theme, with a deadline until August 31, 2024.

The concept of the "decolonial turn" was coined to refer to the insurgent position of singularities who, aware that the meanings erected by European colonialism cannot be confined within its strict temporal limits (late 15th century to mid-20th century), began to question the way they continue to proliferate in our "independent states with colonial societies" in the form of a coloniality of being, power, and knowledge. If the modern Western epistemic machinery, imbued with a lack of considerations about the role played by geopolitics and spatiality in knowledge production, intended to construct a neutral epistemic subject capable of transcending the reality in which it is embedded and thus structure abstract knowledge with claims of universal applicability, decolonial theorists and those who make use of their theoretical constructs seek to counteract such a tendency and intervene in the discourse of modern sciences in order to configure other paradigms for knowledge production.

However, it is common in academic practice to forget that the critique of Western "epistemic totalitarianism" does not end in itself, since it contains propositional arguments that invite us to establish a critical dialogue among various epistemological projects, in a stance that distances itself from fundamentalisms, which are pernicious both in their Eurocentric version and in their guise of "epistemic populism" – which assumes that knowledge produced by subalternized singularities is, from the outset and without any critique, contestatory knowledge.

In this sense, this dossier aims to bring together works that, accepting the premise that the massive uncritical importation of theories conceived in and for other historical/social realities has made us inheritors of a submissive and hesitant epistemological practice, take on the challenge of "epistemic disobedience," which does not intend to carry out a pure and simple negation of the entire European theoretical apparatus, but rather to make strategic use of it. Thus, the proposition here is to gather articles that aim to contribute to the efforts towards the decolonization of knowledge, which, through a contextualized applicability marked by the care to perceive which theoretical scope is actually compatible with other knowledges, originating from situationality and perspectives of colonial subjects, manage not to fall into either a "disembodied universalism" or a "walled provincialism" in itself.

We also emphasize that, beyond this thematic dossier, the journal (Des)troços accepts ongoing submissions of a general nature that are linked to radical thought and the editorial line of the periodical, as described at: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revistadestrocos/about. Contributions should be submitted through the OJS system, respecting the submission rules for texts (https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revistadestrocos/about/submissions) by August 31, 2024. Titling requirements do not apply to image authors, whose contributions will be solely evaluated by the editorial committee. Contributions in the form of texts will be evaluated by the editorial committee and the double-blind review system. Once approved, texts and images will be published in the ninth issue of the journal, scheduled to be released in the second half of 2024.