"Tristeza", Brazilian Art Song from the Album 'Les nuits brésiliennes' by José Amat





José Amat, Brazilian Art song, Les nuits brésiliennes, Musical Analysis


The Brazilian Art song Tristeza, for voice and piano, is part of the album Les nuits brésiliennes by composer José Amat, and was covered in the thesis As 22 canções em língua portuguesa de José Amat do álbum Les nuits brésiliennes: uma visão interpretativa. From the only available source, under the care of the Brazilian National Library, in Rio de Janeiro, the authors of this study present data about the composer, the author of the poetic text and the poem, its musical structure and, also, performance reports.


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Author Biographies

Poliana de Jesus Alves, Federal University of Uberlândia (Brazil) - UFU

PhD in Music - Interpretive Practices - Singing, from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP - where she also holds a Master's degree in Music - Interpretive Practices - Singing, under the supervision of Dr. Adriana GiarolaKayama. She has a degree in Music - Singing (bachelor's degree), a degree in Artistic Education - Music (full degree) and a Specialization in Performance, all from the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU. She is a professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia, at the Institute of Arts - Music, where she teaches singing and related subjects. She has experience in Music, with an emphasis on singing, working mainly on the following subjects: individual singing (vocal technique guidance), vocal technique, choral singing, diction, choral conducting, chamber music and opera. Enthusiastic about the study of the Brazilian songbook, she has constantly given recitals to promote works by Brazilian composers.

Adriana Giarola Kayama, University of Campinas (Brazil) (UNICAMP)

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Composition and Conducting from the Institute of Arts - UNICAMP (1985), a Master's degree from the University of Washington (1987) and a PhD from the University of Washington (1990), with a Capes scholarship. She retired as a Professor from the State University of Campinas, where she worked in the areas of Singing, Vocal Technique, Diction, Voice Physiology and Chamber Music. She was also coordinator of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Music courses at Unicamp. She was president of Anppom from 2003 to 2007. She is a member of the editorial board of Música Hodie, a member of the editorial board of OuvirOUver (Uberlândia), a member of the editorial board of Per Musi (UFMG) and the Federal University of Pelotas. He has experience in the Arts, with an emphasis on Music. Working mainly on the following subjects: Music, Singing, Brazilian song, Brazilian music, João de Souza Lima.


- Livros

ANDRADE, Ayres. Francisco Manuel da Silva e seu tempo. Rio de Janeiro: TB, 1967 vol II.

AZEVEDO, Álvares. Lira dos vinte anos.2ª Ed. 3º volume.Rio de Janeiro: Livraria B. L. Garnier, 1862.

LÓPEZ-CALO, José. Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, 10 vols., dirigido por Emilio Casares Rodicio. Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999-2002

FILHO, Mello Moraes. Serenatas e saraus. Hymnos. 3ªed. Rio de Janeiro: Garnier, Livreiro Editor, 1902.

KOSTKA, Stefan, PAYNE, Dorothy. TONAL HARMONY: with an introduction to twentieth-century music. 6 ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.

STEIN, Deborah & SPILLMAN, Robert. Poetry into song – performance and analysis of Lieder. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

- Tese

ALVES, Poliana de Jesus. As 22 canções em língua portuguesa do álbum Les nuits brésiliennes do compositor José Amat – uma visão interpretativa. Campinas, 2021, 415f. Tese de Doutorado em Práticas Interpretativas – Canto, Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, 2021.

- Trabalhos em Anais de Evento

ALVES, Poliana, KAYAMA, Adriana G. Tributo à Pátria – canção que compõe o álbum Les nuits brésiliennes do compositor José Amat. In: A CANÇÃO BRASILEIRA E SEUS INTÉRPRETES, 2020, Belo Horizonte/MG, Anaisdo VI Seminário da Canção Brasileira da Escola de Música da UFMG, Belo Horizonte: Selo Minas de Som, 2020, p.215-222.

ALVES, Poliana, KAYAMA, Adriana G. Les nuits brésiliennes – álbum para canto e piano do compositor José Amat. In: CONGRESSO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE PERFORMANCE MUSICAL, 4., Campinas/SP, 2016, Anaiseletrônicos: Campinas/SP/UNICAMP, 2016, p. 241 – 250. Disponível em https://www.iar.unicamp.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/anais-abrapem-18.pdf

- Partitura publicada

AMAT, José. Les nuits brésiliennes. Paris: Leduc Fils & Cie Editeurs de Musique, [s.d]. Partitura.

- Apostila

CASTAGNA, Paulo. A Imperial Academia de Música e Ópera Nacional e a Ópera no Brasil no século XIX. Apostila do curso de História da Música Brasileira. Instituto de Artes da UNESP. São Paulo, 2003. 18p.

- Site de Internet

ZAPATA Y AMAT, JOSE. Disponível em: http://composers-classical-music.com/z/ZapataAmatJose.html. Acesso em: 20, out. 2023.



How to Cite

Alves, P. de J., & Kayama, A. G. (2023). "Tristeza", Brazilian Art Song from the Album ’Les nuits brésiliennes’ by José Amat. Journal of Brazilian Erudite Vocal Music, 1(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.35699/1.1.2023.48714


