Inter textus / inter artes / inter media
Sobre as vantagens e dificuldades de reconceber Estudos Interartes como Estudos Intermidiáticos e de construir uma base teórica para tais estudos, especialmente em relação aoconceito de “mídia” e “mídias” e aos diversos sentidos de “intermidialidade” atualmente correntes.
BARBOSA, Pedro. A Ciberliteratura: Criação Literária e Computador. Lisboa: Edições Cosmos, 1996.
BARRICELLI, Jean-Pierre; GIBALDI, Joseph; LAUTER, Estella (Orgs.). Teaching Literature and Other Arts. New York: MLA, 1990.
BERNHART, Walter; SCHER, Steven Paul; WOLF, Werner (Orgs.). Word and Music Studies: Defining the Field. Amsterdã e Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1999.
A BIBLIOGRAPHY on the Relations of Literature and Other Arts. BROWN, Calvin S. (Org., 1952-72); SCHER, Steven Paul (Org., 1972-85); CLÜVER, Claus (Org., 1985-98). 1974 in Hartford Studies in Literature 7, p. 77-96. 1985-1998 in Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature: 34 (1985), p. 167-91; 35 (1986), p. 176-209; 36 (1987), p. 205-248; 37 (1988), p. 224-272; 39 (1990-91), p. 153-222; 43 (1995), p. 185-246; 45/46 (1997-98), p. 281-337.
BOHN, Rainer; MÜLLER, Eggo; RUPPERT, Rainer. Die Wirklichkeit im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Fingierbarkeit. In: BOHN, Rainer; MÜLLER, Eggo; RUPPERT, Rainer (Org.). Ansichten einer künftigen Medienwissenschaft. Berlim: Ed. Sigma Bohn, 1988, p. 7-27.
BROWN, Calvin S. (Org.). A Bibliography on the Relations of Literature and Other Arts 1952-1967. New York: AMS, 1968.
BROWN, Calvin S. Music and Literature. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1948. [Reedição: Hanover, NH: University Presses of New England, 1987.]
BRYSON, Norman. Intertextuality and Visual Poetics. Style, v. 22, n. 2, p. 183-93, 1988.
CHRISTIN, Anne-Marie. L’image écrite: ou la déraison graphique. Paris: Flammarion (Idées et Recherches), 1995.
CLÜVER, Claus. Bilder werden Worte: Zu Bildgedichten auf gegenstandslose Kunst. In: WEISSTEIN, Ulrich (Org.). Literatur und bildende Kunst: Ein Handbuch zur Theorie und Praxis eines komparatistischen Grenzgebiets. Berlim: Erich Schmidt, 1992, p. 298-315.
CLÜVER, Claus. Concrete Poetry and the New Performance Arts: Intersemiotic, Intermedia[l], Intercultural. In: SPONSLER, Claire; CHEN, Xiaomei (Orgs.). East of West: Cross-cultural Performance and the Staging of Difference. New York: Palgrave, 2000, p. 33-61.
CLÜVER, Claus. Concrete Poetry Into Music: Oliveira’s Intersemiotic Transposition. The Comparatist, n. 6, p. 3-15, 1982.
CLÜVER, Claus. From Imagism to Concrete Poetry: Breakthrough or Blind Alley? In: HAAS, Rudolf (Org.). Amerikanische Lyrik: Perspektiven und Interpretationen. Berlim: Erich Schmidt, 1987, p. 113-30.
CLÜVER, Claus. Interarts Studies: An Introduction. Publicado 1993 em tradução sueca. Em português: Estudos Interartes: Orientação Crítica. Trad. Yun Jung Im e Claus Clüver, revisão Helena Carvalhão Buescu. In: BUESCU, Helena Carvalhão; DUARTE, João Ferreira; GUSMÃO, Manuel (Orgs.). Floresta Encantada: novos caminhos da literatura comparada. Lisboa: Dom Qixote, 2001, p. 333-59; Bibliografia (sobre “Literatura e Outras Artes”) p. 361-82.
CLÜVER, Claus. Klangfarbenmelodie in Polychromatic Poems: A. von Webern and A. de Campos. Comparative Literature Studies, v. 18, p. 386-98, 1981.
CLÜVER, Claus. Liaisons incestueuses: The Sister Arts in Contemporary Culture. In: BUESCU, Helena Carvalhão; DUARTE, João Ferreira (Org.). Entre Artes e Culturas. ACT2. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras; Colibri, 2000, p. 9-37.
CLÜVER, Claus. On Intersemiotic Transposition. Poetics Today, v. 10, n. 1, p. 55-90, primavera de 1989. Versão brasileira: Da Transposição Intersemiótica. Trans. DINIZ, Thaïs Flores Nogueira; CLÜVER, Claus; IM, Yun Jung, et al. In: ARBEX, Márcia (Org.). Poéticas do visível: ensaios sobre a escrita e a imagem. Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2006, p. 107-166.
CLÜVER, Claus. Teaching Comparative Arts. Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, v. 23, p. 79-92, 1974.
DRUCKER, Johanna. The Century of Artists’ Books. New York: Granary Books, 1995.
EICHER, Thomas; BECKMANN, Ulf (Orgs.). Intermedialität: Vom Bild zum Text. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 1994.
FRANK, Peter. Intermedia: Die Verschmelzung der Künste. Berna: Benteli Verlag, 1987.
GAITHER, Mary. Literature and the Arts. In: STALLKNECHT, Newton P.; FRENZ, Horst (Orgs.). Comparative Literature: Method and Perspective. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1961, p. 153-70.
HANSEN-LÖVE, Aage A. Intermedialität und Intertextualität. Probleme der Korrelation von Wort- und Bildkunst – Am Beispiel der russischen Moderne. In: SCHMIDT, Wolf; STEMPEL, Wolf-Dieter (Orgs.). Dialog der Texte: Hamburger Kolloquium zur Intertextualität. Slawistischer Almanach, vol. especial nº11. Viena: Gesellschaft zur Förderung slawistischer Studien, 1983, p. 291-360.
HELBIG, Jörg. Der Rezipient als Cybernaut: Gedanken zur Poetik des elektronischen Romans. In: HELBIG, Jörg (Org.). Intermedialität: Theorie und Praxis eines interdisziplinären Forschungsgebiets. Berlim: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1998, p. 81-92.
HICKETHIER, Knut. Das “Medium”, die “Medien” und die Medienwissenschaft. In: BOHN, Rainer; MÜLLER, Eggo; RUPPERT, Rainer (Orgs.). Ansichten einer künftigen Medienwissenschaft. Berlim: Ed. Sigma Bohn, 1988, p. 51-74.
HIGGINS, Dick. Intermedia. In: HIGGINS, Dick. Horizons: The Poetics and Theory of the Intermedia. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984, p. 18-28.
HOEK, Leo H. La Transposition intersémiotique: Pour une classification pragmatique. In: HOEK, Leo H.; MEERHOFF, Kees (Org.). Rhétorique et image. Textes en hommage à A. Kibédi Varga. Amsterdã e Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1995, p. 65-80. Versno portuguesa: A transposiçno intersemiótica: por uma classificaçno pragmática. Trad. Márcia Arbex. In: ARBEX, Márcia (Org.). Poéticas do visível: ensaios sobre a escrita e a imagem. Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2006, p. 167-189.
L’INTERTEXTUALITÉ: Intertexte, Autotexte, Intratexte. Número temático. Texte: Revue de critique et de théorie littéraire, n. 2, 1983.
KAC, Eduardo (Org.). Media Poetry: An International Anthology. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2007. Edição revisada, ampliada e atualisada de New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies. Visible Language, v. 30, n. 2, 1996.
KREUZER, Helmut (Org.). Literaturwissenschaft — Medienwissenschaft. Heidelberg: Quelle und Meyer, 1977.
LAGERROTH, Ulla-Britta; LUND, Hans; HEDLING, Erik (Orgs.). Interart Poetics: Essays on the Interrelations of the Arts and Media. Amsterdã e Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1997.
MENEZES, Philadelpho (Org.). Poesia Sonora: Poéticas experimentais da voz no século XX. São Paulo: EDUC, 1992.
MOWITT, John. Text: The Genealogy of an Anti-Disciplinary Object. Durham e Londres: Duke University Press, 1992.
MÜLLER, Jürgen E. Intermedialität als poetologisches und medientheoretisches Konzept: Einige Reflexionen zu dessen Geschichte. In: HELBIG, Jörg (Org.). Intermedialität: Theorie und Praxis eines interdisziplinären Forschungsgebiets. Berlim: Erich Schmidt, 1998, p. 31-40.
MÜLLER, Jürgen E. Intermedialität: Formen moderner kultureller Kommunikation. Münster: Nodus, 1996.
MÜLLER, Jürgen E. Intermediality: A Plea and Some Theses for a New Approach in Media Studies. In: LAGERROTH, Ulla-Britta; LUND, Hans; HEDLING, Erik (Orgs.). Interart Poetics: Essays on the Interrelations of the Arts and Media. Amsterdã e Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1997, p. 295-304.
MÜLLER, Jürgen E. Video – or the Intermedial State of the Art. In: HEUSSER, Martin; CLÜVER, Claus; HOEK, Leo; WEINGARDEN, Lauren (Orgs.). The Pictured Word. Word&Image Interactions II. Amsterdã e Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998, p. 347–56.
PEIGNOT, Jérôme. Typoésie. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale Éditions, 1993.
PRÜMM, Karl. Intermedialität und Multimedialität: Eine Skizze medienwissenschaftlicher Forschungsfelder. In: BOHN, Rainer; MÜLLER, Eggo; RUPPERT, Rainer (Orgs.). Ansichten einer künftigen Medienwissenschaft. Berlim: Ed. Sigma Bohn, 1988, p. 195-200.
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