The Voice of the Nocturnal Doll: Notes on Sergio Sant’Anna’s O Livro de Praga


  • Tereza Virginia de Almeida Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Author



Fantastic, voice, night, Brazilian fiction


The article addresses Sergio Sant’Anna’s novel O livro de Praga published in 2011 as the result of a project in which the editor Companhia das Letras sent writers to cities around the world in order to write love stories. Sergio Sant’Anna creates the character-narrator, Antônio Fernandes, who, throughout his stay in Prague, gets involved with several female figures among them a doll, a miniature of a stage actress-of-shadows. The article concentrates in the doll’s episode, in the mystery surrounding her voice, in the relations with the fantastic genre and in the possible readings of its presence in the narrative.

Author Biography

  • Tereza Virginia de Almeida, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Professor Associado IV de Literatura Brasileira do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Vernáculas da UFSC.


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Dossiê - O Noturno na Literatura e nas Artes

How to Cite

The Voice of the Nocturnal Doll: Notes on Sergio Sant’Anna’s O Livro de Praga. (2015). Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(1), 69-81.