Problematizando o Pós-Estruturalismo e o Pós-Moderno


  • Bernard McGuirk University of Nottingham



The development not only institutionality (théorie à la mode) but aiso of the effect of the multiple play of cultural, sexual, political differences changed the resistance to theories in Anglo-Saxon tradition. What is the next step? An easy satisfaction with the pleasures of descpnstruction? An ideological bewilderment in the post-marxist phase? A cemetery of theories? Or is there a plausible reading of transcultural mosaic in Emmanual Levinas', Luce Irigaray's, João Guimarães Rosa's erotic-ideological writings?

Portuguese translation by Solange Ribeiro de Oliveira.


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How to Cite

McGuirk, B. (1993). Problematizando o Pós-Estruturalismo e o Pós-Moderno. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 1, 98–107.