Cannibalisms and Infanticides on Stage: Under the Spoudaîon’s Infamous Gaze


  • Tereza Virgínia Ribeiro Barbosa Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



tragedy, evil, aesthetic pleasure


Cruelty and evil in ancient tragedy, usually involving noble characters that could both atrociously suffer or delightedly watch other people’s suffering, are frequently depicted in the form of horrible practices, such as cannibalism and infanticide. Our purpose here is both to discuss why and how it is possible to derive aesthetical pleasure and knowledge from what is morally and socially abominable and to observe how the audience reacts to the crimes and violence on stage.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, T. V. R. (2010). Cannibalisms and Infanticides on Stage: Under the Spoudaîon’s Infamous Gaze. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 20(3), 21–34.



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