King David: Indices and Suspicions Between the Lines


  • Sergio Alberto Feldman Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



House of David, legitimacy, Book of Samuel, divine Law


King David is extremely important to Jews and Christians because he founded a dynasty called House of David, which wanted to be the backbone of a lineage essential for achieving the divine plan in History: this family would beget the Messiah. Jewish and Christian exegesis tends to extol his obvious qualities, but it refrains itself from a political reading of the two books of Samuel. The present paper intends to deconstruct the sacredness of the politician and reflect on his acts taken for reasons of state and sometimes in opposition to the law of God. A polysemic character, king David is complex and full of contradictions that humanize him and magnify his importance.


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How to Cite

Feldman, S. A. (2010). King David: Indices and Suspicions Between the Lines. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 20(3), 103–116.



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