Animal compassion


  • Márcio Seligmann-Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas



compassion, empathy, murderous compassion


The paper analyzes the issue of compassion, which in the history of thought has been considered either as a sign of humanity or as a sign of our natural and animal origin. For Lactance, for instance, without piety man is only an animal. The text discusses also Buffon’s theory of compassion as one of our “affections naturelles”. For him, “the soul is not so much requested as the body is in this natural piety feeling and animals, as the man, are susceptible to it; the pain cry affects them, they run to help; they step back before the vision of a corpse from its species.” In the text we see a confrontation between the compassionate animal and the compassionate man. In both cases we see, hidden behind “natural compassion”, the shadow of an annihilating violence.


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How to Cite

Seligmann-Silva, M. (2011). Animal compassion. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 21(3), 39–51.



Dossiê - Zoopoéticas Contemporâneas: O Animal e os Limites do Humano