Nazi Cinema, Faction and the Contemporary


  • Jacques Fux



Nazi Cinema, faction, contemporaneity


Part of the success of the Nazi Program during World War II was due, undoubtedly, to the use of cinema, whether as Propaganda, either as an artistic expression of a desire, perhaps repressed and veiled in search of aesthetic beauty. One would think, also, that contemporaneity is far away from some of the principles Nazi, like Eugenics programs or as seeking an Aryan master race. But nevertheless, we still find some artistic presence of Nazi Germany in various parts of our society. This article compares the movies produced in the Nazi period with the different artistic manifestations of contemporaneity.


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How to Cite

Fux, J. (2013). Nazi Cinema, Faction and the Contemporary. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 23(3), 199–209.