Pictures from the Inside of the Body: The Photography in the Feminine Poetry


  • Olga Donata Guerizoli Kempinska Universidade Federal Fluminense



poetry, photography, radiography, ultrasonography, body


In envisaging poetics texts as important interlocutors of the theoretical thinking about photography, this paper proposes some reflections on the photographic image as it has been schematized in the feminine poetry of the last decades. In interpreting its presence in the poems of Wislawa Szymborska, Haling Pooewiatowska, Natasha Trethewey, Rosanna Warren, Marge Piercy and Natalia Gorbanievskaia, among some others, the study problematizes the articulations of the relation between the photographic image and the bodily experience. On the one hand, we can clearly observe the suspicion of a serious reduction of the bodily experience, but, on the other, we also discover that the introduction in the poetry of the radiography and the ecography permits an intensification of its articulation.


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How to Cite

Kempinska, O. D. G. (2014). Pictures from the Inside of the Body: The Photography in the Feminine Poetry. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 24(2), 141–150.



Dossiê - Literatura e Fotografia - Poéticas das Imagens