The Reading of À la Recherche du Temps Perdu Between Representation and Pragmatics


  • Samira Murad Universidade de São Paulo



reading, reader-response criticism, theory of fiction, Marcel Proust, A la Recherche du temps perdu


Is it possible to describe, with some degree of accuracy, what potentially happens in the reading of A la Recherche du temps perdu, when we elect, as the only tool for the description, the representation of reading in the text? Functioning as an introduction to the problem of the reading of A la Recherche, this article tries to deal with the question through the examination of Antoine Compagnon’s critical procedure in “Proust 1 - contre la lecture”. This text was chosen because it gives us not only a thorough interpretation of the figuration of reading in the text, but also functions as a paradigm for the sort of analysis that hypothesize about the reading of A la recherche exclusively through the interpretation of its figuration in the novel. In this article, we try to indicate the need to complement this type of interpretation with the investigation of a literary text’s “negativity”, which can be imagined when we think about the consequences of the artistic form for the reading process.


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How to Cite

Murad, S. (2014). The Reading of À la Recherche du Temps Perdu Between Representation and Pragmatics. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 24(2), 269–283.