The Borderlands Between Literature and Football: Constructing a Provisional Identity in Aldyr Garcia Schlee’s Short Story “Empate”


  • João Luis Pereira Ourique Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Alexandre Antonio Ramos Maciel Universidade Federal de Pelotas



border, culture, literature, football


This essay views borders as culturally autonomous places with peculiar identity roots. It also highlights the theme of belonging, in which the similarity between Jaguarão and Rio Branco – border cities between Brazil and Uruguay – is greater than between the former and the nearest metropolis. Based on this principle this work analyzes the short story “Empate” (“The draw”), published in the Contos de futebol (Football short stories), by Aldyr Garcia Schlee. The book consists of eleven short stories – alluding to the number of players in a football team – and was originally published in Uruguay, under the title Cuentos de fútbol, and later translated into Portuguese by the author himself for the Brazilian edition. Both its analysis and interpretation are supported by the relationship between literature and society, based on Antonio Candido’s studies, as well as on reflections about football and the imagery that permeates the borderlands of cultural identity.


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How to Cite

Ourique, J. L. P., & Maciel, A. A. R. (2017). The Borderlands Between Literature and Football: Constructing a Provisional Identity in Aldyr Garcia Schlee’s Short Story “Empate”. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 26(3), 49–68.



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