When Death Haunts the Fields: Football and Genocide in Rwanda


  • Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




football, genocide, Rwanda, leisure, memory, violence


Our article aims to analyze how football has been broadly affected by the Rwandan genocide, occurred between April and July 1994. Considered one of the main sports and leisure modalities in Rwanda for decades, football used to represent an environment of peaceful coexistence between Hutus and Tutsis. However, the ethnic conflict that culminated in the massacre of over 800,000 people along 100 days caused such picture of apparent harmony to collapse. Twenty years after the genocide, the country struggles with a permanent work of reconciliation between the two ethnic groups and the memory of the dead. In this aspect, we focus on this sad chapter of the Rwandan history, relying on the testimonies by former players who have survived the killings, as published in the chapter “The disappearance of the nets”, from Jean Hatzfeld’s book Machete Season (2006), originally entitled Une saison de machettes: Récits (2003), a work of testimonial character and great significance for literary studies.


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Author Biography

Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq. Doutor em Estudos Germânicos pela Freie Universität Berlin/Alemanha. Professor de Língua, Literatura e Cultura Alemã (Graduação) e de Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada (Pós-Graduação), e de Estudos do Lazer (Pós-Graduação. Professor credenciado junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários da FALE/UFMG, e do Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-Graduação em Estudos do Lazer, da Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional da UFMG. Com Pós-Doutorado em Estudos Organizacionais pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas/SP (2005) e em Teoria e História Literária pelo Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da UNICAMP (2010).


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DUTERME, Renaud. Rwanda: une histoire volée. Dette et génocide. Mons: Editions Tribord, 2013.

HATZFELD, Jean. Uma temporada de facões: relatos do genocídio em Ruanda. Tradução de Rosa Freire d’Aguiar. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2005.

HATZFELD, Jean. Une saison de machettes: récits. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2003.

REHAÏL, Tayeb. Une sociologie de l’Afrique à travers son football. Revue Africaine des Livres, Addis-Abeba, Oran, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-4, mar. 2013.

SMITH, Helmut Walser. The Holocaust and other genocides: history, representation, ethics. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2002.



How to Cite

Cornelsen, E. L. (2017). When Death Haunts the Fields: Football and Genocide in Rwanda. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 26(3), 175–194. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.26.3.175-194



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