Writing Fever: Anticipation of the Death and Mutilation of the Sense


  • Piero Eyben Universidade de Brasília




evil, sense, suicide, Ana Cristina César, Anne Sexton, Alejandra Pizarnik


The aim of this essay is, starting from the speculations of Georges Bataille, to think the evil as a constitutive element of writing. Taking this evil from a double point of view as a kind of anticipation of death and a mutilation of meaning, this paper discusses the ideas of self-destruction and neutralization in the texts of three suicidal poets, Ana Cristina César, Anne Sexton and Alejandra Pizarnik. Indeed, it is proposed that something like the excess of poetic production is associated with the limit-experience of evil in the composition of the contrassense between body, writing and suicidal act, to reimagine a possible ethics of the poem.


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Author Biography

Piero Eyben, Universidade de Brasília

Professor Adjunto 4 de Teoria Literária na Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas. Pesquisador associado ao Collège des études juives et philosophie contemporaine - Centre Emmanuel Levinas, na Université Sorbonne - Paris IV.  Pós-doutor em filosofia pela Sorbonne. Doutor em Literatura pela UnB.


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How to Cite

Eyben, P. (2017). Writing Fever: Anticipation of the Death and Mutilation of the Sense. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(1), 91–108. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.27.1.91-108



Dossiê - Literatura e Mal