The Fervent Fausto in “A Vestal!”, by Álvaro do Carvalhal


  • Fernando Vidal Variani Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Antonio Augusto Nery Universidade Federal do Paraná



Portuguese Literature, Álvaro do Carvalhal, A Vestal!


The purpose of this work is to offer a possible way of understading the development of the character Fausto of “A Vestal!”, by Álvaro do Carvalhal (1844-1868), specifically concerning the relations between this character and the representation of evil in the narrative. According to Maria do Nascimento Oliveira (1949-), “A Vestal!” is a kind of “romantic realist” tale that deals with the conflict between “matter” and “spirit”. Based on Georges Bataille’s (1897-1962) reflections about the literary world as an “hypermoral” (not “amoral”) open field to human souls’ experimentation, we propose that in “A Vestal!”, as well as in all of Carvalhal’s works, all of the established (and even overexplicit) contradictions tend not only to be complementaries of the same system of thought, but also to cause a considerable oscilation and confusion between what at first sight could seem to be clearly opposite poles. Fausto, in our perspective, is a particularly interesting personification of this idea, as we intend to discuss in this paper.


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How to Cite

Variani, F. V., & Nery, A. A. (2017). The Fervent Fausto in “A Vestal!”, by Álvaro do Carvalhal. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(1), 315–333.



Dossiê - Literatura e Mal