Berlioz, Descriptive Music and Writing of the Novel


  • Celina Maria Moreira de Mello Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Berlioz, literary creation, romanticism


This paper will discuss issues related to concepts and methods of selecting research objects in the area of Literature, raised by the project EST.RE.LA – Study of the Relationship Between Literature and Art; Berlioz as a Novelist? developed at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and supported by a performance-based grant from CNPq. As a provocation, it proposes to consider Hector Berlioz as a novelist. In the context of the fraternity of the arts celebrated in the emulation and rivalry by the French romanticists, I highlight the double persona of Berlioz that is based on an exercise of creation that integrates the composition of descriptive music and a romanesque writing. This reading is complemented by findings from a research at the Brazilian National Library, carried out in 2016, during a training stage.


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How to Cite

Mello, C. M. M. de. (2017). Berlioz, Descriptive Music and Writing of the Novel. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(2), 83–96.



Dossiê – Literatura e Arte: as Fronteiras em Discussão