Dramaturgic Textures: the Image as Performative Writing


  • Eder Rodrigues




dramaturgy, images, Mickaël de Oliveira, performance


This article focuses on contemporary dramaturgy in its dialogues with other arts. I investigated the boundaries between the arts and the perspectives on the theatrical text in the current scene, considering especially the uses of the image as the foundation ot its sources and methods, and fostering a discussion about the text and its adjacencies. I analyse the view of the image both as performative writing and as corresponding to a form of thinking based on the imagery as an aesthetic and political device. Along these lines, I discuss the work of the Portuguese playwright Mickaël de Oliveira and his collaboration with Colective 84 to highlight this conceptual work based on a plural view about the text in relation to the traditional sources of production, and to demonstrate how it is rooted in performance.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, E. (2017). Dramaturgic Textures: the Image as Performative Writing. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(2), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.27.2.113-126



Dossiê – Literatura e Arte: as Fronteiras em Discussão