Female Wandering and the Quest for Survival: From the Deconstruction of Androcentric Bias to the Legitimation of Universal Fraternity in Tcha-Koura Sadamba’s Femme infidèle


  • Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana Université de Yaoundé I




wandering, survival, deconstruction, sociocriticism, androcentric bias, universal fraternity, Tcha-Koura Sadamba


To a certain extent, is it not the wandering motivated by the will of the migrant individual to defy a sexist pitfall that pushes him to look for alternative ways of freedom? We answer this question by means of the sociocritical apparatus conceptualized by Jean Dubois. Thus, the present contribution shows, in three parts, that the androcentric biases at the origin of woman reification sometimes constitute the main reason for migrating. Above all, Tcha-Koura Sadamba’s Femme infidèle offers itself as a plea for the reconstruction of the social relations of sex in order to ward off a feminine wandering that does not always end in the expected happiness and then as an indictment for the legitimization of the universal fraternity between migrants and hosts in the perspective of giving back to this (mis)adventure all the liberating flavor that it is entitled to secrete in a individual in search of freedom.


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Author Biography

Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana, Université de Yaoundé I

Enseignant-chercheur, Chargé de cours, au département de littérature et civilisations africaines.


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How to Cite

Onana, P. S. E. (2018). Female Wandering and the Quest for Survival: From the Deconstruction of Androcentric Bias to the Legitimation of Universal Fraternity in Tcha-Koura Sadamba’s Femme infidèle. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 28(2), 119–136. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.28.2.119-136



Dossiê – Deslocamentos, Linhas de Fuga, Confins